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Baby Sensory

Class details

Claire Puzey

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Class details

Claire Puzey

Baby Sensory’s award winning baby development classes are now running in your area. You and your baby will experience different sensory activities designed to support your baby’s sensory development every week and you are welcome to join at any time. Baby Sensory is an extremely popular Baby Development activity and many of our classes are fully booked, it is advisable to book early.

Visitors are always welcome but please call in advance to reserve your place.

To register your interest, please contact your local Baby Sensory Class Leader.


I have been a Class Leader for Baby Sensory for over 7 years now and love every  minute of it!

I am a mum to two kids - Gracie, and Finlay - who are great helpers - sometimes!!

Before Baby Sensory I work for Kindermusik for a year and before that I worked at Arnold Clark for 7 years.


Being a mum to two kids is my main qualification!

I also have won in 2014 and 2012 What's on 4 Little Ones award for Most Outstanding Activities Leader in under 5's in Scotland and N Ireland, and National in 2014



Classes are booked in blocks of 10 continuous weeks at £75, if you miss a week you loose it, if you know in advance you can arrange to come to an alternate time that week, or if on holiday and you have a friend who has a baby that doesn't attend can come in your place.

If you have any questions please either email - [email protected] or call or text me on


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